
The rise of Silicon Valley and its financial success also initiated the rise of its mercenary class. These are smart, capable, well spoken people who spend more time building their career trajectory than making the teams they are a part of succeed. They have social media presence and impeccable resumes (of course). They expect people to talk a certain way, behave a certain way, care about a certain type of visibility.

Mercenaries want to work with me. Not all of them and not all the time but I do check the boxes for mercenaries. Exits, expertise, “serial entrepreneur” (please). I talk in that fast, cutting style and use SV vernacular because I’ve done most of my professional speaking in SV. In their limited pattern recognition I’m a strong positive.

Only I’m a false positive, because I won’t work with mercenaries. I curated TrueAccord’s culture to resist and repel mercenaries. The company is driven by a literally disruptive mission. Investors are curated because they have to believe in our long term plan. Employees are curated because I’m experienced enough to hire for talent and not for pedigree. There’s no elbow rubbing in the biggest DreamForce reception or getting on TechCrunch or writing up you “Three Tips To Giving Feedback” on First Review. These are distractions and the people who don’t get that need not apply.

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